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Mushroom Curry Recipe

                                          Mushroom Curry Recipe  

Advantages of Mushroom

Mushrooms are a low-calorie, supplement thick food that is plentiful in nutrients, minerals, and cell reinforcements. Here are a portion of the potential medical advantages of consuming mushrooms:

Supports safe framework: Mushrooms contain beta-glucans and different mixtures that can assist with helping the invulnerable framework and work on its reaction to contaminations and illnesses.

Calming properties: Mushrooms contain mixtures, for example, ergothioneine, selenium, and polysaccharides that have mitigating properties, which can assist with lessening aggravation in the body and forestall constant illnesses.

Upholds cerebrum wellbeing: Mushrooms contain intensifies that have been displayed to help mind wellbeing and work on mental capability.

Brings down the gamble of disease: Mushrooms contain intensifies that can assist with forestalling the development of malignant growth cells and decrease the gamble of particular sorts of tumors like bosom, colon, and prostate malignant growth.

Advances solid processing: Mushrooms are a decent wellspring of dietary fiber, which can assist with advancing sound absorption, forestall stoppage and keep a sound stomach climate.

Upholds bone wellbeing: Mushrooms are a decent wellspring of vitamin D, which is significant for keeping up areas of strength for with sound bones.

Advances sound skin: Mushrooms contain mixtures, for example, niacin and selenium, which can assist with safeguarding the skin from harm brought about by UV radiation, contamination and other ecological stressors.

It is prescribed to consume mushrooms routinely as a component of a fair eating regimen to receive their potential wellbeing rewards. Mushrooms can be delighted in cooked or crude in various dishes, for example, pan-sears, soups, mixed greens, and sandwiches.


  •  200 grams Button mushrooms - halved,
  • 1 Onion - cut into chunks,
  • 1 Green Bell Pepper (Capsicum) - cut into chunks,
  • 4 cloves Garlic - finely chopped,
  • 1 inch Ginger - finely chopped,
  • 1 cup Tomato - puree,
  • 1/2 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),
  • 1/2 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,
  • 1 teaspoon Garam masala powder,
  • 1 teaspoon Sunflower Oil,
  • Mint Leaves (Pudina) - finely chopped,
  • Salt - to taste



  • Prep Time In Mins  -10
  • Cook Time In Mins -40
  • Total Time In Mins -45
  • Servings Cuisine -Dinner
  • Cuisine- North Indian
  • Diet- Veg


    To start making Mushroom Curry, first intensity oil in a container or wok and add onions, ginger, garlic and capsicum and saute until the onions mellow. Next add the mushrooms and saute until mushrooms are cooked. When done add the tomato puree and the dry maslas like turmeric powder, red stew powder, garam masala and salt.

    Bring the Mushroom curry to a lively bubble for a few minutes. Mix in the cleaved mint leaves and mood killer the intensity. Actually take a look at the salt and preparing and conform to suit your taste as needs be. Move Mushroom Curry into a serving bowl. Serve Mushroom Curry for your lunch/weeknight supper or even at your gatherings with Pudina Tawa Paratha, Tadkewali Masoor Dal and Rose Greek Yogurt Sweet.

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