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Mexican Style Black Bean Burrito Recipe

                     Mexican Style Black Bean Burrito Recipe



Advantages of Dark beans

Dark beans, otherwise called turtle beans, are a staple in numerous conventional foods, and have been devoured for millennia. They are a decent wellspring of plant-based protein, dietary fiber, nutrients, and minerals, which make them a nutritious expansion to any eating routine. In this article, we will investigate the advantages of dark beans and why you ought to consider adding them to your dinners.

High in Protein

Dark beans are a decent wellspring of protein, containing around 15 grams of protein for each cup of cooked beans. They are a brilliant protein hotspot for veggie lovers and vegetarians, and can likewise be a sound expansion to a meat-based diet. Protein is fundamental for building and fixing muscles, and it likewise assists with keeping you feeling full and fulfilled.

Wealthy in Fiber

Dark beans are likewise a decent wellspring of dietary fiber, with around 15 grams for every cup of cooked beans. Fiber is significant for stomach related wellbeing, and it can assist with bringing down cholesterol levels, decrease the gamble of coronary illness, and control glucose levels. Moreover, fiber can assist with keeping you feeling full and fulfilled, which can be useful for weight the board.

Loaded with Nutrients and Minerals

Dark beans are plentiful in nutrients and minerals, including folate, magnesium, iron, and zinc. Folate is significant for cell development and advancement, and pregnant ladies genuinely should consume sufficient folate to forestall birth abandons. Magnesium is fundamental for solid bones and muscles, and it can likewise assist with managing circulatory strain. Iron is significant for sound platelets, and zinc is significant for a solid invulnerable framework.

Brings down Hazard of Constant Illnesses

Eating dark beans may likewise assist with bringing down the gamble of ongoing sicknesses like coronary illness, diabetes, and specific kinds of malignant growth. The high fiber content of dark beans can assist with bringing down cholesterol levels, and the cell reinforcements found in dark beans can assist with safeguarding against cell harm and irritation.

Flexible and Simple to Get ready

One of the advantages of dark beans is that they are adaptable and simple to get ready. They can be utilized in a large number of dishes, from soups and stews to plates of mixed greens and burritos. Furthermore, they are not difficult to cook and can be ready ahead of time and put away in the fridge or cooler for sometime in the future.

All in all, dark beans are a profoundly nutritious food that offer an extensive variety of medical advantages. They are high in protein and fiber, loaded with nutrients and minerals, and can assist with bringing down the gamble of persistent illnesses. Furthermore, they are flexible and simple to plan, making them a helpful and sound expansion to any eating routine. Thus, whenever you are searching for a sound and nutritious food, consider adding dark beans to your dinners


  •  Tortillas,
  • 1/4 cup Black beans - soaked overnight and  cooked,
  • 6 to 8 Spinach Leaves (Palak),
  • 1 Onion - chopped,
  • 1 Tomato - chopped,
  • 2 cloves Garlic - chopped,
  • 2 sprig Coriander (Dhania) Leaves,
  • 1 cup Rice - or brown rice,
  • 1 Lemon juice,
  • 4 Spring Onion Greens - chopped,
  • 4 tablespoons Cheddar cheese,
  • 4 tablespoon Hung Curd (Greek Yogurt)
  •  Prep Time In Mins  -10
  • Cook Time In Mins -30 
  • Total Time In Mins -45 
  • Servings Cuisine -4  
  • Course- Mexican  Lunch 
  • Diet-Veg     
  •                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Instructions

    To begin making the Black Bean Burrito recipe, pick the coriander leaves and set aside, then finely slice the stalks .Keep it aside. Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a heavy bottomed pan over a medium heat, add the chopped garlic and coriander stalks and fry till they become brown. Add the cooked beans, mix it well and cook for a minute. 

    Add the rice and cook for further 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and add coriander leaves that were kept aside. For Salsa, toss together tomatoes, onions, spring onions, lime juice, coriander leaves, mix well using a fork and season to taste. Heat the tortillas on a griddle pan till it softens. Lay it on a plate. Layer spinach leaves over the  tortilla. 

    Spoon one-quarter of the fried rice and beans, top with a generous spoonful of salsa. Grate over some cheese and add a spoon of yoghurt. Wrap up the burrito, then tuck it in. Repeat with the remaining ingredients to make the rest of the burritos. Serve Black Bean Burrito with a side of chips and a healthy Green Apple, Radish & Pepper Salad  and a glass of Carrot Pineapple Orange Juice Recipe to make a delicious lunch or dinner.


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