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Guava Jam Recipe

   Guava Jam Recipe

Advantages of guava jam

Guava  offers a scope of medical advantages because of its supplement content and normal mixtures. Here are a portion of the possible advantages of drinking guava :

Plentiful in L-ascorbic acid: Guava juice is an extraordinary wellspring of L-ascorbic acid, which is fundamental for a sound safe framework. L-ascorbic acid likewise assumes a part in collagen creation, advancing solid skin, wound recuperating, and generally tissue fix.

Cancer prevention agent properties: Guava juice contains cell reinforcements like L-ascorbic acid and flavonoids, which assist with killing free extremists in the body. These cancer prevention agents shield cells from oxidative harm and may decrease the gamble of constant illnesses, including coronary illness and specific kinds of malignant growth.

Stomach related wellbeing: Guava juice is high in dietary fiber, which supports assimilation and advances customary defecations. It can assist with forestalling clogging and further develop generally speaking stomach wellbeing.

Pulse guideline: Guava juice contains potassium, a mineral that controls circulatory strain. Potassium checks the impacts of sodium in the body, possibly lessening the gamble of hypertension and keeping a solid cardiovascular framework.

Eye wellbeing: Guava juice is a decent wellspring of vitamin An and different cell reinforcements that help eye wellbeing. Vitamin An is fundamental for keeping up with great vision and may assist with diminishing the gamble old enough related macular degeneration and other eye problems.

Skin wellbeing: The high L-ascorbic acid substance in guava juice advances collagen creation, which can further develop skin versatility and diminish the presence of kinks. It likewise helps with wound recuperating and may add to a better composition.

Hydration: Guava juice is an invigorating refreshment that can assist with keeping up with legitimate hydration because of its high water content. Remaining hydrated is significant for by and large wellbeing and supports different physical processes.

Weight the executives: Guava juice is moderately low in calories and high in fiber, which can assist with advancing sensations of completion and help in weight the board. It tends to be a better option in contrast to sweet drinks.

It's critical to take note of that the advantages of guava juice are best gotten as a component of a decent eating routine and a sound way of life. While guava juice offers numerous likely benefits, it ought to be polished off with some restraint, and people with explicit ailments ought to counsel their medical care supplier prior to making any critical dietary changes.


  • 5 Guava,
  • 2 cups Sugar - quantity varies based on sweetness of guava ,
  • 3 tablespoon Lemon juice,
  • Salt - to taste


  • Prep Time In Mins  -15
  • Cook Time In Mins -30
  • Total Time In Mins -45
  • Servings -4
  • Cuisine-     Indian
  • Diet-Non- Veg
  •                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Instructions

    To start making the Guava Jam recipe, wash and wipe Guava. Cut into little pieces. Take them in a thick skillet, add 4 cups water and bubble till guava is completely delicate and soft. Pound the cooked guava pleasantly and sifter to eliminate the seeds from it. Add lemon juice, sugar, salt to the removed mash and blend well. Keep the container on the fire. Leave the fire me alone on medium. Carry combination to full bubble mixing every now and in the middle between. As it thickens, mix reliably and diminish the fire. Make a point not to overcook. Jam will thicken as it cools. When the jam has arrived at a thick sauce consistency, switch off the fire. Cool for around 10 minutes and fill clean sanitized glass bottles. Guava jam is prepared. After some time it will pleasantly thicken. Refrigerate/store in a cool dry spot.

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