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Chicken Cooked in Banana Leaves Recipe

 Chicken Cooked in Banana Leaves Recipe


Chicken is a well known and generally consumed meat that offers a few medical advantages. Here are a portion of the vital advantages of chicken:

Great protein: Chicken is an amazing wellspring of excellent protein. Protein is fundamental for building and fixing tissues, supporting muscle development, and keeping up with generally wellbeing. Consuming satisfactory protein is especially significant for people who are genuinely dynamic, competitors, or hoping to fabricate and keep up with bulk.

Supplement rich: Chicken is a decent wellspring of different fundamental supplements, including nutrients like vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and niacin, as well as minerals can imagine selenium and phosphorus. These supplements assume crucial parts in energy digestion, mind capability, safe framework support, and the creation of red platelets.

Weight the executives: Chicken can be a valuable nourishment for weight the board because of its high protein content and moderately low carbohydrate level contrasted with greasy meats. Protein advances satiety, meaning it assists you with feeling more full for longer, decreasing the probability of gorging. Furthermore, chicken can be ready in different sound ways, like barbecuing or baking without added fats, pursuing it a decent decision for those watching their calorie consumption.

Muscle wellbeing: The protein content in chicken is vital for muscle wellbeing and fix. It gives the fundamental amino acids to muscle protein union, which is indispensable for building and keeping up with bulk. Remembering chicken for a decent eating routine can be helpful for people engaged with proactive tasks or hoping to help muscle wellbeing.

Heart wellbeing: Picking lean cuts of chicken (skinless and cut back of noticeable excess) can be important for a heart-sound eating routine. Chicken is for the most part lower in immersed fat contrasted with red meats like hamburger or pork. Moreover, chicken contains the fundamental amino corrosive called homocysteine, which is related with decreased hazard of cardiovascular sickness.

Resistant framework support: Chicken contains different supplements, including vitamin B6 and selenium, which are significant for supporting a sound safe framework. Vitamin B6 assumes a pivotal part in numerous biochemical responses engaged with the resistant reaction, while selenium goes about as a cell reinforcement and safeguards the insusceptible framework against oxidative pressure.

Wellspring of fundamental amino acids: Chicken gives generally fundamental amino acids expected by the body for different capabilities, including building proteins, supporting resistant capability, and working with chemical creation.

Flexibility and taste: Chicken is a flexible meat that can be ready in various ways, considering a wide assortment of dishes and flavors. This flexibility makes it simpler to integrate chicken into various feasts and dietary inclinations.

While eating chicken, it's vital to focus on lean cuts, keep away from exorbitant searing or adding unfortunate fats, and keep a decent eating routine that incorporates an assortment of other supplement rich food sources                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Ingredients

  • 500 grams Boneless chicken - 2 inch cubes,
  • 1 Lemon,
  • 2 Green Chillies,
  • 10 sprig Coriander (Dhania) Leaves,
  • 2 tablespoons Ginger Garlic Paste,
  • 10 Whole Black Peppercorns,
  • 3 Star anise,
  • 5 Cloves (Laung),
  • 1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,
  • Salt - to taste,
  • 1/2 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),
  • 2 Banana leaf,
  • Cotton threads - as required,
  • Sunflower Oil - as required                                                                                                                                                        
  • Prep Time In Mins -75
  • Cook Time In Mins -25
  • Total Time In Mins -105
  • Servings -4
  • Cuisine- Lunch
  • Diet-Non- Veg                                                             


To start making the Chicken Cooked in Banana Leaves, in a blender container, consolidate the green chillies, coriander twigs (stem too), ginger garlic glue, cloves, peppercorns, star anise and drudgery to a coarse combination. In a blending bowl, add the chicken, the newly ground combination, lime juice, red stew powder, turmeric powder, salt. Ensure the chicken pieces are totally covered with the blend. Allow the chicken pieces to marinate for two hours. When the chicken is marinated, cut the banana leaves into squares of 4 inch squares, with the goal that you can make bundles.

 Presently put the one chicken piece in one banana leaf piece. Overlap the leaf to make a package and tie it utilizing a thread. Heat oil in a dish, add the bundles into the container and ensure you are not swarming the skillet. Cover the dish and cook the bundles from the two sides for something like 15-20 minutes. Open the packages and serve hot. Serve Chicken Cooked in Banana Leaves as a canapé alongside different starters like Mushroom Poha Cutlets Recipe and Simple Sabudana Vada With Arrowroot Powder.


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