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Corn & Cheese Bites Recipe -(Paneer Balls with Corn)

Corn & Cheese Bites Recipe -(Paneer Balls with Corn)

Advantages of Corn and Cheese

Corn and cheddar both proposition different wholesome advantages, making them a sound and delectable mix. Here are a portion of the advantages of corn and cheddar:

Advantages of Corn:

Corn is a decent wellspring of dietary fiber, which can assist with controlling processing and forestall stoppage.

It contains different nutrients and minerals, including Vitamin B, iron, and magnesium.

Corn is likewise a decent wellspring of cancer prevention agents, which assist with safeguarding the body against free extremists that can harm cells and lead to persistent infections.

The elevated degrees of beta-carotene in corn can assist with further developing vision and forestall age-related macular degeneration.

Corn is a sans gluten grain, making it a decent choice for those with gluten responsive qualities or celiac infection.

Advantages of Cheddar:

Cheddar is a brilliant wellspring of protein, which is significant for building and fixing tissues in the body.

It additionally contains calcium, which is fundamental for solid bones and teeth.

Cheddar is a decent wellspring of nutrients An and B12, which can assist with helping the invulnerable framework and work on mental capability.

A few kinds of cheddar, like cheddar and Swiss, contain butyrate, an unsaturated fat that has been connected to further developed stomach wellbeing and diminished irritation.

The probiotics in cheddar can assist with working on stomach related wellbeing and lift the resistant framework.

When joined, corn and cheddar give a scrumptious and nutritious bite that is plentiful in protein, fiber, nutrients, and minerals. In any case, it's essential to consume them with some restraint, as they can likewise be high in calories and fat.


  •  200 grams Paneer (Homemade Cottage Cheese),
  • 2 Potatoes (Aloo) - boiled and mashed,
  • 1 cup Sweet corn - steamed,
  • 1 Green Chillies - finely chopped,
  • 2 sprig Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - finely chopped,
  • 1 teaspoon Fennel seeds (Saunf) - pounded,
  • 1 teaspoon Chaat Masala Powder,
  • 1 teaspoon Cumin powder (Jeera),
  • 1/2 cup Sesame seeds (Til seeds) - for coating the balls
  • salt to taste


  • Prep Time In Mins  -15
  • Cook Time In Mins -30
  • Total Time In Mins -40
  • Servings -4
  • Cuisine-   Indian Snack
  • Diet- Veg
  •                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Instructions

    To start making the Corn and Cheddar Nibbles recipe in a huge blending bowl, include the corn, bubbled and pureed potatoes, disintegrated paneer, cumin powder, chaat masala powder, salt and bunches of coriander leaves.

    Use your hands and join the fixings well. Actually take a look at the salt and flavors and conform to suit your taste. Once finished, shape the corn and cheddar combination into scaled down balls and keep them to the side. Roll the balls in sesame seeds and we will continue to sauté them in the Kuzhi Paniyaram skillet. 

    Add little oil into every single one of the depressions in the Kuzhi Paniyaram skillet and spot these corn and cheddar balls into them. Sear them until it's all around simmered, brown and fresh on all sides.Once done, eliminate the Corn and Cheddar Nibbles from the dish and eliminate onto an oil spongy paper. Serve hot. Serve these Non-Seared Corn and Cheddar Chomps alongside a warm cup of Tetley Lemon and Honey Green Tea and Green Chutney to keep you feeling light but fulfilled.

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